The 1:1:1 September 2021
Your Beautiful Business
1: Idea / Cultivating Wholeness at Work
We need profit to not just survive, but to thrive.
My new book, The Beautiful Business, is now ready for pre-order and officially hits the shelves on 11/11/21. The book is written with my conviction that if business is worth doing well, it’s worth doing with heart and soul.
Here’s what Chip Conley, founder of Modern Elder Academy (of which I’m an alumni) and multi-time best-selling author has to say about The Beautiful Business:
“Part Simon Sinek, part Abraham Maslow, part Picasso — The Beautiful Business is a thought-provoking and practical guide to build more meaning and magnetism into your business. Steven Morris’ book breaks new ground in business thinking.”
In the writing of this book over the past 2 years, and in my 25+ years of research and working with organizations, I’ve come to realize that our work and personal worlds are merging, melding, and fusing; Thankfully so.
And my work, I’ve begun to realize, is ultimately about helping us find wholeness at work and cultivating the soul of an organization, so you and the people that contribute to the company thrive.
The forced mythology of “check yourself at the door” and “don’t bring your whole self to work” have proven to be impossible tasks in the workplace.
Conversely, when under the right conditions, we bring our whole self to work — complete with our passion, values, vulnerabilities, empathy, humanity, and expertise — the companies that we contribute to are the better for it.
You and your team will want to read the The Beautiful Business if you want more wholeness, integrity, belonging and magnetism in your business.
In the book I include the following poem by David Whyte, which does a beautiful job of expressing how we can travel the path toward more wholeness in our work.
Working Together
We shape our self
to fit this world
and by the world
are shaped again.
The visible
and the invisible
working together
in common cause,
to produce
the miraculous.
I am thinking of the way
the intangible air
passed at speed
round a shaped wing
holds our weight.
So may we, in this life
to those elements
we have yet to see
or imagine,
and look for the true
shape of our own self,
by forming it well
to the great
intangibles about us.
Here’s a link to listen to David reciting this poem on the podcast OnBeing.
1: Inspiration
1: Inspiration
“When we seek for connection, we restore the world to wholeness. Our seemingly separate lives become meaningful as we discover how truly necessary we are to each other.”
— Margaret J. Wheatley
1: Tool / Two Free Tools for Deepening and Clarifying Your Work…and Life.
When you pre-order The Beautiful Business, I have two free bonuses for you when you.
Brand Essentials: The Integrated Brand Action System Toolkit
The first bonus is for small business owners who want to jump-start their brand beliefs (purpose, vision, core values and promise) or work to refine their existing brand-belief drivers. In the toolkit I share some of the practices I use in integrated brand building workshops and comprehensive brand evolution programs.
Year-End Practice Toolkit
The second bonus is a timely one. As we head into the “home stretch” of the year, there is a ripe opportunity to celebrate and reflect on 2021, and forecast what we’re envisioning for 2022. This Year-End Practice Toolkit is for anyone who wants to sharpen their vision for the year ahead.
Stay tuned for free workshops I’ll be leading to walk people through this year-end reflection process.
You can find out more about The Beautiful Business here, or go here to pre-order.
If you want a more trusting team, a culture of belonging or a magnetic brand that attracts more of the right customers, I can help. If you'd like to explore if working together makes sense, drop me a line.