The 1/1/1 October 2021
Here’s the 1:1:1
An idea from Gay Hendricks; An Inspiration from Denise Lee Yohn; and at $25,000 gift to you.
1: Idea / What Business Are You In, Gay Hendricks?
Maybe you’ve seen that I have a new podcast! It’s called “Beautiful Business” and, obviously it aligns with my new book The Beautiful Business which launches on 11/11!
One of the questions that I love exploring with my podcast guest is: What business are you in? It’s a potent question for all of us to ask and answer.
In my conversation with Gay Hendricks, author of more than 35 books including The Big Leap and his most recent The Genius Zone, I ask him the question above.
Here’s how Gay answers “what business are you in?”
“I’m in the business and also in the soul purpose of expanding in my own creative genius and in my own abundance and in my own ability to give and receive love every day, as I inspire other people to do the same.”
He continues, “The great joy of life is being able to do what you most love to do while you’re doing things that inspire other people to do what they most love to do.”
“And that was really why I sat down and wrote “The Big Leap” years ago, was because I found it deeply satisfying in my life to spend my days doing what I most love to do. And I felt so good about that. It changed my life much in such a way, that I wanted to help make it possible for other people to tap into their genius and do what they most love to do.”
Other topics I discuss with Gay Hendricks:
- Living to inspire others to live their best life
- Breaking through your upper limit
- Loving yourself and loving others
- Making relationships work
Here’s a link to listen to my Beautiful Business podcast conversation with Gay Hendricks.
Or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Audible
1: Inspiration / Denise Lee Yohn
In my podcast conversation with author, speaker, brand-building expert Denise Lee Yohn, we explored how her life and beliefs inspire her leadership approach. Her response included highlighting a leader she worked with during her days at Sony.
Denise shares, “I will say that the chief marketing officer who hired me at Sony was probably the best leader… I’ve ever had in terms of providing a real role model for what does leadership look like. He was equally inspiring and challenging, but funny…he was real. And he also had very much of…an others orientation. ‘How can I help other people become better? How can I lift up other people?’ “
She continued, “I don’t really know what this person’s personal beliefs and faith were, but I think that really just kind of opened myself up to that’s the kind of leader that I would like to be.”Here are other topics that Denise and I cover on Beautiful Business Podcast:
- Which comes first, brand or culture?
- Importance of aligning your brand identity with your internal culture
- Understanding leaders and how to lead effectively
- Discussions on faith and beliefs and how it aligns with career
- Advice for younger people or those who aspire to level up their career
Here’s a link to listen to my Beautiful Business podcast conversation with Denise Lee Yohn.
Or listen on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Audible
Check out Denise’s books What Great Brands Do and FUSION:How Integrating Brand and Culture Powers the World’s Greatest Companies
1: Tool: Wonder Question Process — A $25,000 Gift from Gay Hendricks
During my conversation with Gay Hendricks on my podcast, he shared one of the tools he takes executives through during full-day immersion which costs $25,000.
Here’s the tool from the podcast conversation.Gay shares, “Here’s a gift to your audience. This day cost the corporation $25,000. Let me give you a $25,000 freebie here.
What we ask the person to do is ask a question in their mind every 30 seconds. And then for the 30 seconds to take three slow, easy, deep breaths, and then ask the question again in their mind, and then take three, slow, easy, deep breaths, which takes about 30 seconds.
Basically twice a minute, you’re floating this question, what we call a wonder question in your mind.
Here’s the question and here’s exactly how we ask you to say it:
‘Hmmmm…. What do I most love to do?’
We particularly invite you to make the hmm in your mind, because when you hmm in your mind physiologically, it integrates the two sides of your brain across your Corpus Callosum. A humming sound is a sound that will integrate those two sides of your brain.
A wonder question is a question that you’d really love to know the answer to, and you really don’t know the full answer to. Think of that question: What do I most love to do?…
That opens you up to things in yourself that you may never have wondered about. To me wonder is one of the great gifts of the creative person’s life, because a creative person is able to stop and ask:
‘What really needs to happen next?
What shifts do I need to make in myself to unlock the next?’ ”
You can listen to the podcast to hear Gay guiding listeners through this tool. The $25,000 gift is 23 minutes into the podcast.
Lastly, as you may know, my new book The Beautiful Business launches on 11/11! If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, why not? You can find out more about The Beautiful Business here, or go here to pre-order.
If you want a more trusting team, a culture of belonging or a magnetic brand that attracts more of the right customers, I can help. If you'd like to explore if working together makes sense, drop me a line.