Work-Life Design
My dad was a company man. Like many people of his generation, he worked for a large corporation serving some 30 years, and then retired with a pension.
The generation before him were primarily blue-collar laborers. For instance, my grandfather worked as an engineer on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad for nearly his entire life.
Neither of them loved their jobs. Work, in their cases, was a means to an end — a way to provide for their families. You see, a generation ago it was job first, life second. Job security and provider-ship often over-rode, life satisfaction. Today, a great debate has ensued, because we’re more fortunate than we realize. Our economy allows for much more freedom of choice in job, careers, profession and calling.
Our work story, our life story, and our personal story are melding. So many of us are working to design a life that fuels our work and do work that fulfills our lives.
As recent as a generation ago, a calling wasn’t even considered. Even if you’re not in your perfect job, you likely have some opportunity to be creative, choose your work environment, and can design your day…and life.
If you’re like so many who are considering leaving your current job for greener pastures elsewhere, you choices are abundant. And yet, until recently people rarely made these choices intentionally. They didn’t and some still don’t pause and ask the deeper questions that fuel a wholehearted life and work. Here are some questions that might help you determine what the right path forward is for you and your work:
- What does a good or great day look like, not just at work, but the entire day? Week? Month? Year?
- When you’re at your best — your most vital self — who are you? And, who are you serving?
- What in your current situation are you most grateful for? What opportunities are you grateful for?
- What is working well in your current life and work, that may only require minor adjustments for greater fulfillment? What are the blessings you can currently count?
When you pause long enough to ask and answer questions at the core of your life, you will become more clear about what to do next.
We live in flow when we’re challenged in healthy ways, serving a higher purpose and a clear set of people, and we’re continually learning and growing.
P.S. If you haven’t ordered The Beautiful Business, you can do so here.
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If you want a more trusting team, a culture of belonging or a magnetic brand that attracts more of the right customers, I can help. If you'd like to explore if working together makes sense, drop me a line.